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8 Transforming Tips to Inspire A Love of Learning with LeapFrog’s LeapLand Adventures

Check out these simple tips that will transform everyday learning into the highlight of the day by joining the LeapLand characters on their adventure quests!

The art of creating an environment where learning is fun for children has been a passion of mine for many years and it is absolutely near and dear to my heart.

The vast array of information a child can absorb is pretty amazing. They are like little sponges, absorbing everything around them. As my children began to grow older, I wanted to put some real effort into making sure that their learning activities were fun and simple, yet truly beneficial.

I was so excited when the kids got a chance to explore LeapFrog’s amazing LeapLand Adventures educational video game. With the awesome ability to hunt for keys to unlock the Clever Castle while learning all about letters, numbers, shapes and colors along the way, LeapLand Adventures is very clearly not your typical video game.

Utilizing games, such as this one, as an educational tool not only provides opportunities for deeper learning and development of non-cognitive skills, but it helps motivate children to want to learn.

Below, I am delighted to share some of my best tips for a top-notch learning experience with the amazing LeapLand Adventures. Take a look at how your kids can get the most out of their learning experience!

1. Make Learning Fun

Research has shown that having fun while learning strengthens and broadens memory networks in kids, and I have personally seen the benefits of a fun learning environment with my own children.

With this educational game that requires no web connection, account setup, or even a download, the kids were able to simply plug the HDMI game stick and USB power cable into the television with my help, pick the correct input, and start playing immediately using the kid-friendly wireless controller.

Right away, my son identified Letter Land as his favorite town to explore and my daughter’s favorite was Color Springs. Of course, that was until they unlocked the Clever Castle  I am one happy mom observing my kids learning and laughing at the same time.

2. Target their Time: Designate a Specific Portion of the Day

The five player profiles allow kids to save their progress and creates a perfect environment for setting time limits on their game time activity. My kids are able to replay their favorite games for the allotted amount of time that mom and dad put in place. They have learned so much just from having 30 minutes a day to explore the 150 practice items in the Learning Center.

I would even suggest using a timer, especially if you have multiple children. It takes the focus off mom and dad when it comes to time allotment and the kids learn to take turns as well.

Happily taking turns!

3. Keep Routine a Priority: Choose the Right Time of Day

Making an effort to take the time of day into account has been a life saver for me on numerous occasions! The ability to learn new concepts in both children and adults decreases when we are tired and/or hungry, so picking the right time of day can be a huge help when planning your designated time for fun and learning.

In addition, children who have a fairly regular routine often feel smarter, more secure, and are generally in better moods from day-to-day because they can predict what’s coming next.

So early afternoon, after a nap and snack time, is our family’s perfect time for learning adventures at home! What’s yours?

4. Be Silly! Participate In The Fun

This is one of my favorite tips. I can’t stress this enough. Kids love silliness; they just do.  With this fun game, I’m able to let my hair down and have some fun with the kids knowing that a happy child is more likely to be a learning child!

Take advantage of the fun and take a few minutes to celebrate the Gem Festival with your kiddos while they collect gems, flags, and banners.

Dez is on a Quest with his favorite character

5. Positive Reinforcement: Praise Progress!

Process, not outcome, is always at the forefront of my mind when it comes to early learning. Acquiring the ability to view learning as a fun process is a skill that will carry our children throughout their entire life.

When the kids are learning new concepts, it’s a big deal, so we make it a big deal!

Every time I hear my daughter say, “I got more Clever Berries!”, I do a little silly congratulatory dance and she loves it.

6. Watch for Cues and Allow for Some Independence

Another important tip to keep in mind is to observe kids and know when to allow for independent learning.

With LeapLand Adventures, I was able to enjoy time with the kids, but also watch as they progressed through the levels and even learned how to jump and maneuver through the paths. This gave me so much information regarding what concepts they were already aware of and which areas they were most interested in.

This will give moms and dads a chance to have fun and participate in the learning concepts, but also allow for independent learning when it comes to other subjects.

My 6-year-old knows some of the concepts and can enjoy getting through

the levels on his own

7. Reinforce What Is Learned

Have you ever noticed that when you hear something over and over again, all of a sudden you can’t get it out of your head? If you hear and use something enough, it eventually becomes information that you retain for a long period of time. This works amazingly with children and the LeapLand Learning Center has mastered that concept!

This separate area of the game focuses purely on teaching concepts found in each adventure town.

I often use dinner time to discuss some of the fun things that the kids may have learned in the Learning Center that day. The most important part is not what specific concept they learned, but that they enjoyed the process and were super excited about learning more.

8. Demonstrate Your Own Passion and Enthusiasm

Last but certainly not least, remember that a passion for learning is absolutely contagious! I love to share information about my day and some tidbits that I have learned with my children. Showing my enthusiasm for life, education, and even the subjects that they are learning, automatically provides a relatable example for them to imitate and learn from on a daily basis.

Dinner time and even short pre-bedtime conversations before they go to sleep are perfect to learn about each other’s days and also build on a great connection!

As you can see, the kids are having so much fun with this exciting video game and I am delighted that they are gaining knowledge at the same time. I hope that you are able to incorporate these tips into your children’s fun learning environment and that you’re able to have lots of fun with LeapFrog®’s LeapLand Adventures soon!

Kayla has been an entrepreneur for over 11 years and is also a stay-at-home mom to a 6-year-old boy and 4-year-old little girl with another little girl on the way! She is committed to creating a fun, inspiring, and positive learning environment for children at home. Kayla has a passion for helping busy moms do the same and also organize their lives and homes to promote balance, fun, and learning. Keep Toddlers Busy was created to be a resource for activities, tips, inspiration, and ideas to help make mom’s life just a little easier in many different ways.


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